Research shows fish oil can?contribute to health

Despite recent headlines to the contrary, there are still significant reasons to make omega-3 fish oils part of your regular diet.

(NAPS)—Many believe that, despite recent headlines to the contrary, there are still significant reasons to make omega-3 fish oils part of their regular diet.

Here are three examples:

  • Taking fish oil may be linked to lowered risk of macular degeneration.

A recent article published in The Journal of Nutrition reports an association between high levels of omega-3 fish oils and a lower risk of age-related macular de­generation, the most common cause of blindness in older men and women.

The investigation included 963 participants, aged 73 and older. The participants underwent eye examinations during 2006–2008 and were followed for an average of 31 months. Having a higher blood level of omega-3 fats was associated with a decreased risk of developing macular degeneration in this age group in comparison to participants with the lowest omega-3 levels.

  • As fish oil goes up, heart failure goes down.

Boston-based researchers published a study involving over 176,000 people and found that with every 15-gram increase in fish consumption, there’s a subsequent 5 percent drop in the risk of heart failure. Researchers’ investigations didn’t stop there.

They also looked into fish oil supplements and the different types of omega-3 fats, in particular DHA and EPA. They found that for every 125-mg-per-day increase in both types, there was a 3 percent decrease in heart failure risk. So it seems that most of the benefit from omega-3 fats, at least in terms of heart failure, comes from EPA and DHA.

The researchers believe that if their findings are “…confirmed by a large, randomized study, EPA and DHA supplements could be added to the list of lifestyle factors and drugs that can be used for the prevention of heart failure.”

“That’s a powerful statement coming from conventional doctors,” says Michael A. Smith, M.D., senior health scientist for Life Extension in Fort Lau­derdale, Fla., and host of “Healthy Talk” on

  • Fish oil can lower ­inflammation.

One of the results of unresolved chronic inflammation can be cancer. Years of study have shown that cancer development is associated with increasing inflammation. “Newer research is revealing that fish oil has exciting possibilities for slowing—or even preventing—cancer due to its anti-inflammatory effects,” says Dr. Smith, whose organization is a global leader in anti-aging and longevity research.

According to Dr. Smith, women with a history of breast cancer who have the highest EPA and DHA, and subsequent lowest level of inflammation, have about a 25 percent lower risk of additional breast cancer events compared with those having the lowest intake.

And there are additional studies showing a preventative benefit of high levels of omega-3 fish oils and lower levels of inflammation in prostate, colon, skin, lymphoma and lung cancers.

Keep A Critical Eye

Laboratory and clinical re­search continues to reveal how important fish oil is to health and well-being. Omega-3 fish oils lower inflammation, protect against cancer and improve your heart, brain and eyes.

For more information about omega-3 fish oils, visit www. or call their toll-free number, 1-855-813-9015.


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